Preparing your report prior to the lodgement period starting 1 April is key to ensuring you have everything in place to lodge your Gender Equality Report by the due date of 31 May.
This page will help you to check your details and ensure your reporting data is ready for the opening of the lodgement period. Following these steps will assist you to successfully lodge your report on time and meet your compliance requirements.
Employer portal access
The Employer Portal is where you lodge your annual report. Make sure you have a digital ID and are authorised to represent your organisation. We recommend you check your access to the Employer Portal ahead of time to avoid delays during the lodgement period.
Digital ID requirements
- To access the Employer Portal, reporting contacts must have a digital ID with at least Basic strength.
- You will also need to be authorised to represent your organisation via a Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
- We are unable to resolve any issues with the setup and authorisation of a Digital ID credential or RAM. Refer to RAM support options.
For further information, refer to Employer Portal access.
Confirm or update organisation details
- We strongly encourage you to log into the Employer Portal to check your organisation’s contact details and update if required.
- We require correct contact details and roles to communicate important information with you during the reporting process.
- Shared email address - we recommend including a shared/group mailbox that multiple staff can access to ensure important information is received if the reporting contact is unavailable.
- We required any organisation structure changes to be reflected in the Employer Portal.
For further information, refer to Maintaining your organisation's details.
Review reporting changes
If you have previously reported, refer to Reporting changes to check for any changes to the reporting process or documents since you last lodged a report.
Know your reporting deadline
Private sector employers must lodge their report within the lodgement period 1 April and 31 May (or within an approved extension period).
For further information about reporting key dates, refer to Reporting dates.
Start preparing your data
You can prepare your data ahead of 1 April by downloading our offline reporting templates for the:
We recommend that you prepare your data using our templates, then lodge your report early (within the lodgement period).
Employers who prepare and lodge early experience less delays and have faster response times from our support team.
Reporting Templates
Reporting Questionnaire
For further information, refer to the Questionnaire page in this guide.
Workplace Profile
Unit level Template (recommended)
STP/Payroll Template
For further information, refer to the Workplace Profile page in this guide.
Workforce Management Statistics
Standard WMS File (without partners)
WMS (Partnerships) File
For further information, refer to the Workforce Management Statistics page in this guide.