Employer Statement

Commonwealth Public Sector employers can provide a link to an Employer Statement to sit alongside their gender pay gap results as published on the WGEA Data Explorer. This statement allows public sector employers to communicate with key stakeholders about their gender pay gap and the actions they undertake to address it.

  • WGEA's Employer Statement Guide details key steps to develop your statement and how to use it to drive action within your workplace. 

We encourage you to view the webinar recording and slides on the ‘Preparing for publishing of Commonwealth public sector gender pay gaps’ presented on 31 January this year to public sector employers.



Frequently asked questions

Q - When is the Employer Statement due? 

A URL web address link to your Employer Statement can be uploaded to the Data & Insights section of the WGEA Reporting Portal now.

  • You must upload your link by COB 1 April 2025 to ensure your Employer Statement is published on the Data Explorer at the same time as your Gender Pay Gap.

Please note: The WGEA portal will be closed for maintenance between 22 March and 31 March and statements cannot be uploaded within this period. If you upload your statement from 2 April onwards, we cannot guarantee your statement will be publicly available on 4 April however it will be published once a data refresh has occurred.

Q - Is the Employer Statement compulsory? 

The Employer Statement is not compulsory. However, it is recommended to provide context to your gender pay gap and any remedial actions your organisation is taking. 

Q - Will there be a template of the Employer Statement provided? 

WGEA will not provide a template for the Employer Statement. However, employers can use the guide to assist with the process of compiling their Statement. 

Q - What should be included in the Employer Statement? 

Guidance on developing an Employer Statement is available on the WGEA website