Document generation

During and after the Gender Equality Reporting process, WGEA will provide relevant employers with documents and reports that need to be generated and downloaded via the Employer Portal.

The Public Reports must be shared with your CEO (or equivalent) for sign-off before you can lodge your Gender Equality Report (Report).

The public reports, Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report must be shared with certain stakeholders, as per the Notification & Access compliance requirements.

CEO sign-off

All sections of the Gender Equality Report must be completed without any outstanding data anomalies before public reports are available to generate and download for your CEO or equivalent’s review and approval. This is referred to as CEO sign-off.

Documents to be generated & downloaded

Reporting contacts must generate and download the following documents and reports via the Employer Portal:

Standalone employers (single ABN) will receive:




Public Report – Questionnaire


Once the Questionnaire, WPP and WMS are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies.

Public Report – Employee data tables


Once the Questionnaire, WPP and WMS are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies.

Executive Summary


Once the Gender Equality Report is successfully lodged.

Industry Benchmark Report


 Approx. November


Corporate group employers will receive:




Public Report – Questionnaire

All ABNs in the submission

Once the Questionnaire, WPP and WMS are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies.

Public Report – Employee data tables (submission group)

Set of 3 tables for each relevant employer ABN in the submission

Once the Questionnaire, WPP and WMS are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies.

Public report – Employee data tables (group)

Set of 3 tables which cover data from the entire corporate group

Once the Questionnaire, WPP and WMS are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies.

Executive Summary

One report for each relevant employer ABN

Once the Gender Equality Report is successfully lodged.

Corporate Group Executive Summary

One report covering the entire group

Once the Gender Equality Report is successfully lodged.

Industry Benchmark Report

One report for each relevant employer ABN within the corporate group (companion to the ABN level Exec Summary)

Approx. November

What are Public Report documents?

The Public Reports consist of two PDFs, that are available once the Questionnaire, Workplace Profile (WPP) and Workforce Management Statistics (WMS) sections of your Gender Equality Report are ‘completed’ with no data anomalies within the Employer Portal.


The Public Reports contain all public information from the data lodged within your Gender Equality Report, which will be published on the WGEA Data Explorer. However, they do not include your gender pay gap (GPG), as your GPG will be provided in your Executive Summary.


Important: The Public Reports must be shared with your CEO (or equivalent) for sign-off before you can lodge your Gender Equality Report (Report). For further information, refer to CEO sign-off.


Document name



Public Report -Questionnaire

Lists the mandatory questions and answers provided in the Questionnaire.

if Questionnaire section is complete without any outstanding data anomalies.

Public Report -Employee data tables

Details the employee movements and employee composition in separate tables. This information was reported in the excel files that were uploaded for the Workplace Profile and Workforce Management Statistics sections.

if WMS and WPP sections are complete without any outstanding data anomalies.

How to generate & download Public Reports

Public Report documents are generated from the submission home page on the Employer Portal.

  • Employers can only generate Public Report Documents once all relevant sections of their report have been completed with no outstanding data anomalies.

  • The generated documents are downloaded from the 'Data and Insights' tab of the portal under 'Reports'.

  • The generation can take up to 24 hours in high-traffic periods, particularly in the week of 31 May (the due date).

How to generate & download Executive Summary (ES)

The Executive Summary is available immediately after lodgement of the Gender Equality Report.

For step-by-step instructions about generating and downloading your ES, refer to: 

  • Generating your Executive Summary | WGEA

  • These instructions can be used for standalone organisations (1 ABN) and corporate groups (multiple ABNs).

  • Corporate group Executive Summary reports can only be generated after all employing ABNs in the corporate group have lodged their report.

  • Executive Summary must be shared with certain stakeholders, as per the Notification & Access compliance requirements.

  • For further information, refer to Executive Summary.

How to generate & download your Industry Benchmark Report (IBR)

The Industry Benchmark Report is available once the reporting program has closed (approximately 2–3 months after the lodgement period ends). WGEA will notify Reporting contacts when the report is ready.

For step-by-step instructions about generating and downloading your IBR, refer to: 

  • Generating your Industry Benchmark Report

  • Industry Benchmark Reports must be shared with certain stakeholders, as per the Notification & Access compliance requirements.

  • For further information, refer to Industry Benchmark Report