The Workplace Gender Equality (Gender Equality Standards) Instrument 2023 (GE Standards Instrument) requires employers with 500 or more employees (designated relevant employers) to have policies or strategies in place to support each of the six gender equality indicators (GEIs).
The policies or strategies must aim to achieve the gender equality objective specified in section 6 of the GE Standards Instrument. A policy or strategy can be standalone, or part of a broader policy or strategy that covers more than one GEI. A sector wide policy or strategy does not satisfy the requirement for public sector employers.
This requirement applied to private sector employers from 1 April 2023 and public sector employers from 1 January 2024.
Gender Equality Indications (GEIs) & objectives
The GEIs derive from section 3 of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the Act) and are reproduced below.
Item | Gender equality indicator (GEI) | Objective |
1 |
Gender composition of the workforce |
Supporting gender equality in the designated relevant employer’s workplace |
2 | Gender composition of governing bodies of relevant employers |
Supporting and achieving gender equality in the designated relevant employer’s governing body |
3 | Equal remuneration between women and men |
In relation to employees of the designated relevant employer, ensuring equal remuneration between women and men |
5 |
Availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating to flexible working arrangements for employees and to working arrangements supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities |
Providing effective flexible working arrangements for employees of the designated relevant employer with family or caring responsibilities |
6 | Consultation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the workplace |
Ensuring employees are consulted and have input on issues concerning gender equality in the designated relevant employer’s workplace |
7 | Sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination |
Prevention of, and appropriate response to, sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination in the designated relevant employer’s workplace |
How do I report my organisation’s policies and strategies?
The Reporting Questionnaire includes specific questions about your organisation’s policies or strategies to support each of the six GEIs. The applicable questions state which GEI it relates to.
What should my policy or strategy cover?
WGEA has guidance on developing policies and strategies for each GEI.
Employers can incorporate the suggestions in WGEA’s GEI Policy and Strategy Guides to craft or improve their own policies or strategies. However, employers must consider their own workforce and workplace context to determine what areas should be covered in their policies or strategies and achieve the objectives of the GE Standards.
GEI | Questionnaire section | GE Standard to meet |
1 |
Workplace Overview section Question 1.1 |
To meet GEI1, you must have a formal policy or strategy to support gender equality in the workplace. Your policy or strategy might cover areas, such as:
gender equality KPIs for managers |
2 |
Governing Bodies section Question 1.5(E) |
To meet GEI2, you must have a formal policy or strategy to support gender equality in your governing body. There may be circumstances where employers have no control over their governing body composition. The employer may:
In these cases, employers can select ‘No - do not have control over governing body/appointments’ in response to the relevant item in the Questionnaire. This will constitute meeting GEI2 for that employer. |
3 |
Action on Gender Equality section Question 2.1 |
To meet GEI3, you must have a formal policy or strategy to support equal remuneration between women and men. Your policy or strategy might cover areas, such as:
The gender pay gap is a measure of how women’s and men’s contributions are valued in the workforce. It is the difference in average or median earnings between women and men. |
4 |
Flexible working arrangements section Question 3.1 Support for Carers section Question 4.4 |
To meet GEI4, you must have formal policies or strategies to support:
A carer refers to, but is not limited to, an employee’s role as the parent (biological, step, adoptive or foster) or guardian of a child, or carer of a child, parent, spouse or domestic partner, close relative, or other dependent or friend. |
5 |
Employee consultation section Question 2.5 |
To meet GEI5, you must have a formal policy or strategy in place to support consultation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the workplace. Employee consultation is a formalised way to collect information about your employees’ views on the workplace, what is working well and what could be improved. |
6 |
Sexual harassment section Question 5.1 |
To meet GEI6, you must have a formal policy or strategy to support the prevention of, and appropriate response to, sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination in your workplace. The provisions in a policy and/or strategy for prevention and management of sexual harassment is important for setting workplace culture and achieving a safe, respectful and inclusive workplace. |
Timeframes and requirements to meet the GE Standards
Under section 19C of the Act, if at the end of a reporting period (the base period) a designated relevant employer does not have a policy or strategy in place for each of the 6 GEIs, they have 2 more reporting periods (the comparison period) to do so, before being taken to be non-compliant. WGEA has an obligation to provide advice and assistance to support employers to become compliant.
Key Points
- Compliance requires having policies or strategies in place to support all six GEIs and confirming this in the Reporting Questionnaire.
- If an employer does not have a policy or strategy in place for a reporting period (the base period) they have 2 additional reporting periods after the base period to become compliant.
Private sector employer example:
- A private sector employer with 500 or more employees lodges their 2023-24 Gender Equality Report but did not have a policy or strategy relating to GEI6.
- This 2023-24 report is their ‘base period’
- They have two more reporting periods to meet the GE Standards:
- 2024-25 Report: Reporting period 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025; lodged between 1 April 2025 – 31 May 2025.
- 2025-26 Report: Reporting period 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026; lodged between 1 April 2026 – 31 May 2026.
Commonwealth public sector employer example:
- A Commonwealth public sector employer with 500 or more employees lodges their 2024 Gender Equality Report but did not have a policy or strategy relating to GEI6.
- This 2024 report is their ‘base period’
- They have two more reporting periods to meet the GE Standards:
- 2025 Report: Reporting period 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2025; lodged between 1 September 2026 – 31 October 2026.
- 2026 Report: Reporting period 1 January 2026 – 31 December 2026; lodged between 1 September 2027 – 31 October 2027.
What if you do not meet the GE Standards?
If you do not meet the GE Standards by having a policy or strategy in place in for each of the six GEIs, you will:
- be notified that you did not meet the GE Standards for the base period, and
- have two reporting periods (the comparison period) to meet the GE Standards before you risk becoming non-compliant
- if at the end of the comparison period you still do not have a policy or strategy in place for each of the 6 GEIs, you will be non-compliant with the Act.
Compliance information
For further information about your compliance requirements, including WGEA’s Compliance Strategy, refer to Compliance Overview.
WGEA support
We offer a range of resources and assistance to help employers improve gender equality in their workplace and comply with the GE Standards legislative requirements.
Legislative resources
Further information about the GE standards and GEIs is available at Our Legislation | WGEA.
- Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.
- Workplace Gender Equality (Gender Equality Standards) Instrument 2023
- Workplace Gender Equality (Matters in relation to Gender Equality Indicators) Instrument 2023.