Employer Portal access


To access the Employer Portal and submit a Gender Equality Report on behalf of an organisation, a user must have a digital ID such as ‘myID’ (formally known as myGovID).

WGEA requires a user's myID account to have a Basic myID strength in order to gain access to the Employer Portal.

For more information on setting up myID please see How to set up myID.

Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)

Before WGEA can grant a user access to an organisation's account (within the Employer Portal), the user needs to be authorised to represent their organisation for WGEA Reporting.

The user can speak with their organisation to identify who the organisation's RAM administrator is to determine if they have the appropriate Digital Identity credentials

Your organisation should have multiple reporting contacts with Employer Portal access. Every new user must take the above steps to set up access to the Employer Portal.. 

Employers are responsible for maintaining the currency of their business records and authorised users.

Unfortunately, due to privacy laws, WGEA staff are unable to assist in identifying who the principal authority or authorisation administrator is for an employer.

Please see Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) for more information.

Need to access multiple ABNs in a corporate structure?

Contacts for any ABNs in your corporate group who form a submission group will have access to review and act on behalf of each ABN in this submission.

Portal contacts for the corporate parent entity can also act on behalf of every ABN in the corporate group that they have RAM Authorisation to act on.

Resolving portal login issues

Please note: any support resources on the setup and authorisation of digital ID credentials (such as RAM and myID) are educational. These products are supported directly by the Australian Taxation Office support team. WGEA cannot assist or resolve any issues with the setup and authorisation of digital ID credentials.

Unable to select different ABNs when logging into the Employer Portal?

When adding a user’s authorisation in RAM for an ABN, the Principal authority or Authorised Administrator (whoever is taking the action) is required to set up agency access permissions according to the requirement of the user role.

Important: If an organisation's RAM administrator does grant a user sufficient permission for WGEA against an ABN, the ABN may not appear in the dropdown list when accessing WGEA’s Employer Portal.

Please visit Relationship Authorisation Manager for further assistance or contact RAM support.

Please contact WGEA support if the error on the screen specifically states to ‘contact WGEA’ or contains the phrase 'force.com error'. Please include screenshots in your support request to assist us if possible.

Login - FAQ’s

Q: Can I access the reporting portal without myID?

A: It is not possible to access the reporting portal with out a digital ID such as myID.

Q: I am based outside Australia, can I still access the reporting portal?

A: You will need to use MyID to access the reporting portal however only a “basic” Identity strength is required to access the employer portal. This can be attained by providing a name and email address only (no Australian Identity documents required).

Q: Who is my organisation’s Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)?

A: Unfortunately, WGEA have no visibility or control over this credential. This is managed internal to your organisation. If you are unsure who your RAM administrator is, your finance department may be good place to direct your investigation as they are often require access.

Further support for RAM related enquiries can be found at RAM : Help | Contact Us.

Q: Can I have multiple reporting contacts with access to the Employer portal?

A: We encourage all employers to establish multiple reporting contacts with access to the employer portal to ensure that technical issues or staff absences do not impact your ability to access the employer portal when required.

Q: My Digital identity is linked to my personal email address, but I would like communications from WGEA to be sent to my work email address, how do I set this up?

A: When logging into the portal for the first time a pop up should appear prompting you to confirm your details, you can update your preferred name, email address and title in this form and assign yourself a role (ie, Primary reporting contact, CEO etc.).

If you have already confirmed your details in this pop up, you can also update your details under the Organisation tab in the blue bar at the top of the reporting portal. You can find your organisation contact’s listed under Contacts.

Please reach out to support@wgea.gov.au if you require assistance updating contact details for your organisation.


Q: How do I remove an employee’s access to the employer portal?

A: Your internal RAM administrator can rescind Authorisation for any Digital ID to act on your organisation’s behalf with WGEA at any point in time. This will prevent this contact from accessing the reporting portal.

Alternatively, you can contact Support@wgea.gov.au and we can action this request for you.