As an Australian Government statutory agency, we produce and make publicly available a variety of accountability, reporting and governance documents.
Planning and performance reporting
The Annual Report provides information about the Department's achievements, corporate arrangements and performance for the previous financial year.
The Agency's corporate plan sets out its strategy for the following four years, as well as how the Agency's performance will be measured.
The Agency is required to submit to the Minister a report on the progress achieved in relation to the gender equality indicators in the relevant two-year period.
The Australian Government released the Regulator Performance Framework (the Framework) as part of 2014 Spring Repeal Day on 22 October 2014.
Data and information management
The Agency's Data Management Policy refers to all data collected by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency) under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the Act) that is not deemed to be personal information.
The Agency's dataset is public sector information (PSI), that is, data, information or content that is generated, collected, or funded by or for the government or public institutions.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) commenced on 15 January 2014. The legislation creates a public interest disclosure scheme that promotes integrity and accountability in the Australian public sector.
The rationale underpinning this federal government initiative is the recognition that public sector information is a national resource managed for public purposes.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency) is committed to the highest possible data quality to ensure the appropriate use for its intended purpose under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act).
This policy outlines how the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) handles your personal information.
The WGEA privacy values detail how we will deal with privacy issues.
The Privacy Impact Assessment Register records details of Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) conducted by WGEA since 1 July 2018.
Accountability and reporting
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is required to comply with the Senate Order for Entity Contracts.
Budget Initiatives and Explanations of Appropriations Specified by Outcomes and Programs by Entity: Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency's statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transparency.
A register of the gifts and benefits that the agency head of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency received.
These are statements of legal expenditure by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency for, published in compliance with the Legal Services Directions.
The Service Charter states our service standards to clients and the general public, provides details on how to contact us and how clients can provide us with feedback.
The CEO of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency) has established the Audit Committee in compliance with Section 45 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) and PGPA Rule Section 17 Audit Committees for Commonwealth Entities.
The Commonwealth Child Safety Statement of Compliance provides an overview of WGEA’s compliance with the Framework, including the results of our annual child safety risk assessment. View the most recent statements.
WGEA Policy and Procedures for determining breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and for determining sanction.
WGEA Emissions Reduction Plan describes the priorities and actions WGEA is taking to reduce our operational emissions and contribute to the APS Net Zero 2030 target.