Next steps - after lodgement

This page provides a summary of the steps required by relevant employers after successfully lodging a Gender Equality Report (Report). Each step has a link to the relevant section of the Reporting Guide.

Summary of action required after lodgement


Action required

Links to relevant pages 


Review your report within 28 days of lodging

  • If you lodged your report within the lodgement period (or approved extension period), you will have 28 days to review and amend the report after lodgement.
  • Reporting documents (Questionnaire, WMS and WPP) cannot be edited once the 28-day period has passed.


Complete all Notification and Access requirements

Once you have successfully lodged your Report, you must complete the Notification & Access compliance requirements:

  1. Make public reports accessible to employees and any shareholders or members of the employer.
  2. Inform employee organisations that you have lodged a Report.
  3. Inform employees and employee organisations of the opportunity to comment on the Report.
  4. Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report to be given to each member of your governing body (if any).


Gender Pay Gaps Publication

  • WGEA uses the data lodged by relevant employers within their Report to calculate gender pay gaps (GPGs).
  • WGEA then publishes the GPGs on the WGEA Data Explorer and in an Employer Gender Pay Gaps Report.
  • WGEA will notify reporting contacts via email prior to GPG publication.


Employer Statements

  • Relevant employers can provide a link to an Employer Statement to sit alongside their gender pay gap results published on the WGEA Data Explorer.  
  • This statement allows employers to communicate with key stakeholders about their gender pay gap and the actions they undertake to address it.


Watch the webinar: Understanding and using your WGEA reports for 2023-24 

The webinar below provides an overview of how to interpret and use the data in your Executive Summary, Industry Benchmark Report and Corporate Group Executive Summary (where applicable) to drive change.