When an excel file is uploaded it passes through two separate checks:
- File verification and formatting - this check ensures you are using the correct file and have not altered the formatting of rows and columns.
- Data quality - this check assesses that the data provided on the excel sheets is within expected ranges, and that all mandatory data has been provided.
The Workplace Profile and Workforce Management Statistics excel templates are uploaded within their respective sections of the Portal.
- The file verification check is instant - if the file is rejected this status will appear in the upload table, you will also receive an email advising you of the file rejection.
- The data quality check can take up to 1 hour in peak periods - if any issues are found this status will appear in the upload table, you will also receive an email advising you of issues being found and will contain a link to take you to your issue page to review.
Types of data quality issues
There are three 'issue types' for data anomalies.
- ERRORS. You must resolve these first. These indicate a data error that must be resolved. You must read the instructions provided to amend your data and re-upload the file.
- WARNINGS. These indicate that the data provided is unusual or unexpected. This means that you must check your data. If correct, you must provide a reason. If incorrect, please amend your data and re-upload the file.
- NOTIFICATIONS. These indicate that the data provided is unusual or unexpected. This means that you must confirm your data is intentional. If correct, you may proceed. If incorrect, please amend your data and re-upload the file.
Review instructions to resolve each error from your submission
Review instructions to resolve each warning from your submission
Review instructions to resolve each notification from your submission
Tips to resolve issues
Address 'errors' first, then ‘warnings’ and 'notifications'.
The Portal requires you to address all anomalies with the issue type, 'error' before you can click 'select' to address 'notifications' and 'warnings'. This means, you need to use the instructions provided in the second section of this guide to resolve your data errors first and re-upload your file.
- When all errors are resolved then the 'select' pencil button will become active (yellow), for you to provide reasons for your 'warnings' or confirm your 'notifications'.
Find the data rows.
All anomalies will refer to a specific row(s) and columns within the Workplace Profile or Workforce Management Statistics where the issue occurs.
- To identify where in your file the issue is please use the row references in the issue list in the Portal.
Use the filter.
We strongly recommend using the column filtering function in Excel to locate your data anomalies.
- For example, if you receive a warning that the number of graduates recorded in your Workplace Profile is unusually high, you can filter the Graduate/Apprentice column to only display employees recorded as graduates (and not those recorded as apprentices or blank). This will help you review your data more efficiently, especially if you are reporting a large number of employees.
Re-upload and submit.
Remember, once you have amended your files you will need to re-upload them to the WGEA Portal. If no further issues are identified, you will see the status of your submission change from ‘issues found’ to ‘no issues’. You will then need to generate your reports and complete the consents and declarations to complete your submission.
- If you confirm a notification or provide a reason for a warning, please refresh the page to update the issue list status(es).