CEO sign-off

Before you can successfully lodge a Gender Equality Report (Report), reporting contacts must generate and download the two Public Reports for their CEO (or equivalent) to review and approve. This is known as CEO sign-off. 

Public Reports

The Public Reports consist of two PDFs and must be generated and downloaded via the Employer Portal. The Public Reports are available once the Questionnaire, Workplace Profile (WPP) and Workforce Management Statistics (WMS) sections of your Gender Equality Report are ‘completed’ without any unresolved data anomalies.


Document name



Public Report -Questionnaire

Lists the mandatory questions and answers provided in the Questionnaire.

if Questionnaire section is complete without any outstanding data anomalies.

Public Report -Employee data tables

Details the employee movements and employee composition in separate tables. This information was reported in the excel files that were uploaded for the Workplace Profile and Workforce Management Statistics sections.

if WMS and WPP sections are complete without any outstanding data anomalies.

For more information about the Public Reports and instruction to generate and download, refer to Document Generation.

CEO approval and sign-off

You must generate and download your Public Reports for CEO (or equivalent) approval and sign-off before lodging your Gender Equality Report.

Your Public Reports can be generated and downloaded once your Gender Equality Report is completed without any unresolved data anomalies and ready for lodgement.



  • Your organisation’s CEO (or equivalent) must review the Public Reports to ensure the information you are intending to lodge is correct.

  • Once CEO approval is received, you must check the relevant declaration within Employer Portal to confirm that your CEO has reviewed and approved the data before you can lodge your Report. 

Instructions to lodge your Report

For step-by-step instructions about lodging your Report, refer to: 

To lodge your Gender Equality Report, you must declare:

  • any information you have provided in the Questionnaire free text responses that may have any privacy impacts or considerations, and

  • that the data provided by you on behalf of your employer is accurate and correct.

Once the declarations are complete, press submit. You will receive a confirmation email of a successful submission.

  • You will have 28 days to make any edits or changes to your submission.

  • If you re-enter a section and make any edits to an uploaded file or answer you will reopen your report - you must resubmit when you have completed your edits.

  • This 28-day change period is only guaranteed to employers who lodge within the 2-month lodgement period of 1 April to 31 May (or within an approved extension period).

Compliance Requirements

Once you have successfully lodged your Report, refer to Next Steps - After Lodgement for information and instructions about your compliance requirements, including notification & access requirements.