Reporting overview

Please note:

This page provides an overview of information and steps required to complete the Private Sector Gender Equality Reporting program. Please select the links throughout this page to view more resources on a specific topic.

If you are a Commonwealth Public Sector employer, refer to our Public Sector Reporting Guide.   

Private Sector Gender Equality Reporting

Private sector Gender Equality Reporting (Private Sector Reporting) includes privately owned, and publicly listed organisations that are:

  • registered higher education providers
  • a natural person, or a body or association (whether incorporated or not)
  • sole traders
  • partnerships
  • proprietary limited (Pty Ltd) companies
  • trusts

Who needs to report?

Organisations that meet the definition of relevant employer must lodge an annual Gender Equality Report to WGEA.

If your organisation meets the eligibility requirement and has not previously reported to WGEA, you must register to report.

For further information on eligibility, refer to Reporting eligibility

For further information on registering, refer to Register to report.

What does private sector reporting involve?

Registered relevant employers are enrolled in a Gender Equality Reporting program and must lodge data about their organisation to WGEA annually.

The Gender Equality Report consist of:

  • an online questionnaire related to your organisation’s policies, strategies, and actions on gender equality
  • two Excel worksheets designed to collect information about workforce composition, salaries and remuneration, and employee appointments, promotions, resignations, and parental leave.

Reports are lodged in the WGEA Employer Portal during the two-month lodgement period: 1 April to 31 May

Compliance requirements

For information about the compliance requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the Act), including WGEA’s Compliance Strategy, refer to Compliance Overview.

Key reporting dates

Refer to Reporting Dates for a full list of reporting dates and events to help you manage the reporting process.

Preparing to report

To help employers prepare and lodge their reports, refer to Preparing to Report.

What is required during the lodgement period

Complete the following sections of your report within the WGEA Employer Portal:

  1. Confirm organisation details
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Workplace Profile (WPP)
  4. Workforce Management Statistics (WMS)
  5. Resolve any data anomalies found in steps 2 - 4.
  6. Generate the following final reports for CEO (or equivalent) sign-off:

      Employers will be provided with two PDF reports to use for review and approval: 

      For corporate groups, the employee data tables will contain data for each employing ABN (subsidiary) reported.

     7. Complete the declarations and consents section and lodge your report

Review period


Once your report is lodged:

  • You will be provided with a 28-day review period during which you may review and amend your reports. 
  • This 28-day review period is only guaranteed to employers who lodge within the 2-month lodgement period of 1 April to 31 May (or within an approved extension period).

If you re-enter a section and make any edits to an uploaded file or answer - you must repeat the declarations and consents process and lodge your report again once you have completed your edits.