Reporting steps

This page provides a summary of the steps required by reporting contacts to prepare and lodge a Gender Equality Report. Each step has a link to the relevant pages within this Reporting Guide.

Step Action required Links to relevant pages

Compliance requirements

Know your reporting compliance requirements & important reporting dates.

Complete the ‘preparing to report’ steps

  • Employer Portal access.
  • Maintain organisation details, including any changes to your organisation’s structure, CEO or reporting contacts.
  • Review reporting changes.
  • Start preparing your reporting data.

Access the Employer Portal


Confirm organisation details

  • Confirm organisation details to begin reporting.

Complete the Questionnaire

  • You must complete the Questionnaire within the Employer Portal.
  • You can use the offline Questionnaire Word template to start preparing your data, the offline document cannot be uploaded into the Employer Portal.

Complete the Workforce Management Statistics (WMS)


Complete the Workplace Profile (WPP)

  • Complete and upload the WPP Excel worksheet.
  • Choose one type of WPP to complete - we recommend you use the Unit Level template as it is the default file for all users.
  • The offline template can be uploaded into the Employer Portal when lodging your report(s).

Resolve any data anomalies

  • Pass all data quality checks on your uploaded files.
  • If any data errors, warnings or notifications are identified, follow the displayed instructions to resolve.  
  • Once the documents have been completed successfully, they will have a status of ‘completed’.

Generate your public reporting documents

Once you have successfully completed your Questionnaire, WMS and WPP, you must generate and download the documents to share with your CEO (or equivalent) for sign-off before you can lodge the report. 

  1. Public Report - Questionnaire: this document displays your responses and answers from the Questionnaire.
  2. Public Report - Employee Data Tables: this document displays the data tables covering composition of your workforce and employee movements from the WPP and WMS.

CEO sign-off

  • Have your CEO (or equivalent) review your public report documents and sign-off.

Lodge your report

  • Once you have CEO sign-off, complete the declarations and consents process, and
  • Lodge your report within the Employer Portal.

Review your report within the 28 days of lodging

  • If you lodged your report within the lodgement period (or approved extension period), you will have 28 days to review and amend the report after lodgement.
  • Reporting documents (Questionnaire, WMS and WPP) cannot be edited once the 28-day period has passed.

Complete all Notification and Access requirements

Once you have successfully lodged your Report, you must complete the Notification & Access compliance requirements:

  • Make public reports accessible to employees and any shareholders or members of the employer.
  • Inform employee organisations that you have lodged a Report.
  • Inform employees and employee organisations of the opportunity to comment on the Report.
  • Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report to be given to each member of your governing body (if any).