Public Sector Reporting

The Public Sector reporting submission period is 1 September 2023 to 31 October 2023. 

men and women discussing job candidates

The Gender Equality Reporting program for the Commonwealth public sector is one of three programs in the WGEA Portal. It is an annual requirement for all Commonwealth public sector ‘relevant employers’ under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (the Act).

The decision follows the Commonwealth Government's commitment to update the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 to require public sector reporting to WGEA (mandatory from 2022-23) as part of its response to the Respect@Work report (2021). The States and Territories joined this commitment in late 2021, making an in-principle agreement at National Cabinet to provide public sector workforce data to WGEA.  

By submitting your report, you’re meeting your compliance obligations and contributing to the Agency’s world-leading dataset on gender equality in Australian workplaces. The process can also help you identify gender equality issues and put action plans in place.  

This reporting program is different to the Gender Equality Report for the private sector, the guide for this program can be found on the side menu of this page.

Information session webinar - 2023

Data transfer from the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC)

Where Australian public service (APS) workforce data is already captured by the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), the APSC will provide this data directly to WGEA to remove duplication and simplify reporting for agencies.

  • If you employ your staff under the Public Service Act 1999 you must select ‘yes’ to the ‘bulk upload’ options when registering your employers details. 
  • Data for questions 1-4 of the Workforce Management Statistics section will be transferred
  • All of the data required for the Workplace Profile section will be transferred

For employers where the APSC is transferring data:

  • You must complete the questionnaire and questions 5-7 of the Workforce Management Statistics section and allow 12-24 hours for the transfer to take place, all sections will then be marked in the Portal as ‘completed’. 

For employers where no transfer of data from the APSC is taking place:

  • You must complete the Questionnaire, the full Workforce Management Statistics and Workplace Profile worksheets and upload them to the Portal.

Help and support

For assistance or help with any WGEA reporting program please review the information in the reporting guides or use the search function on this page.

If you cannot find an answer to your question: