
Response options are typically in a ‘tick a box’ or ‘yes/no’ format, with optional ‘free-text’ boxes throughout for additional information. You must complete all four sections of the Questionnaire and all mandatory questions as indicated.

  • Please read and answer each question carefully.
  • Further information is provided throughout the Questionnaire to help you understand key concepts and accurately answer each question.

Pre-population of answers

Some questions in the Questionnaire will be pre-populated with responses from the previous reporting period.

  • You are encouraged to review these questions and the pre-populated responses to ensure the responses are still accurate.
  • You can make changes to the pre-populated responses if needed.

These are pre-populated responses which require your review in the following sections of the Questionnaire:

  • Policies and Strategies
  • Flexible Work
  • Support for Carers
  • Sex-based Harassment and Discrimination, and
  • Family or Domestic Violence.

All other questions in the Questionnaire do not have pre-populated responses.