Documents & Sign-off

To finish the Gender Equality Report you must generate PDF documents for your CEO or equivalent's review and approval. This step occurs when each section has been completed in the Portal without recording any unresolved data quality issues.

  • The CEO or equivalent must review and approve the data you are intending to submit in the WGEA Portal.
  • The CEO or equivalent must sign the submission approval form

PDF documents can be generated from the submission home page within the WGEA Portal that cover the data you intend to submit.

  • The generated documents can be downloaded in the 'Data and Insights' tab of the portal under 'Reports'. The generation can take up to 12-24 hours in high-traffic periods, particularly in the week of 31 May (the due date).

The following documents generate for each submission:

Document name Description Availability
Questionnaire – Public Report Lists the mandatory questions and answers provided in the questionnaire section. if Questionnaire section is complete
Questionnaire – Confidential Report Lists the mandatory and voluntary questions and answers provided in this section of the submission. It also contains any voluntary free text response provided that may provide readers context to how you have responded. if Questionnaire section is complete
Workforce Statistics – Public Report Details the employee movements in a data table that was reported in this section of the submission. if all sections are complete
Workplace Profile – Public Report Information on the composition of the employee base reported in this section of the submission. No salary/remuneration information. if all sections are complete
Workplace Profile – Confidential Report Adds to the public version by including salary and remuneration averages for female and male employees in each major occupation, and each manager category. The averages are used to calculate gender pay gaps by employee cohort that appears in your Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report(s). if all sections are complete
Executive Summary

Summary of reported data by each Gender Equality Indicator (GEI). Contains an employer's gender pay gap figures (median and average) for base salary and total remuneration that were calculated from the submitted data.

  • Separate Executive Summaries can be generated for each organisation (with an individual ABN) that reports 80 or more employees in the Workplace Profile.
  • A corporate group version of the Executive Summary will be available later in 2024, corporate group employers will be notified when it can be generated and downloaded.
if all sections are complete with no data quality issues
Industry Benchmark Report

Comparison of your Executive Summary results by GEI to the de-identified results of other peer organisations in an industry comparison group. The comparison is made when the dataset is fully published at the end of each year. WGEA attempts to compare employers to their specific industry code (where possible) and to peers within a similar employee size cohort.

  • Separate Industry Benchmark Reports will generate for each organisation (with an individual ABN) that reports 80 or more employees in the Workplace Profile.
if submission was made on time with no data quality issues. This report can only be generated at the end of each year when notified by WGEA.

What does the CEO review?

The following documents must be taken to your nominated CEO or equivalent for review and their approval.

  • Questionnaire – Public Report
  • Questionnaire - Confidential Report (if any voluntary questions were answered) 
  • Workforce Statistics - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Confidential Report

Your organisation’s CEO or Department/Agency Head (or equivalent) must review the documents generated and approve and sign the Submission Approval form in order for you to finalise your submission in the WGEA Portal. 

  • The submission approval form can be downloaded from Preparing your submission page of this guide, this form is used to internally record the approval
  • It is not a requirement to upload the signed submission approval form, you will instead check the relevant declaration within the Portal that approval has been given to submit your Gender Equality Report.

Submitting your report

When your CEO or equivalent has signed the submission approval form you can return to the Portal.

To submit your annual report you must:

  • Declare any information you have divulged in the Questionnaire free text responses that may have any privacy impacts or considerations
  • Declare that the data provided by you on behalf of your employer is accurate and correct

When the declarations are complete press submit, the Portal user will receive a confirmation email of a successful submission.

  • You will have 28 days to make any edits or changes to your submission.
  • If you re-enter a section and make any edits to an uploaded file or answer you will reopen your report - you must resubmit when you have completed your edits.
  • This 28 day change period is only guaranteed to employers who lodge within the 2 month submission period (April to May) or within an agreed formal extension period.