Updating details

Before a submission can be started, you must ensure that your contact and organisation details are up to date. Information recorded by WGEA can be viewed and changed by clicking on the ‘Organisation’ tab from the portal homepage. You will need to lodge a support request to update any information you cannot change manually.

On this page you can:

  • Review the current details recorded for your organisation or group
  • Assign roles to contact records (e.g., reporting contact, or CEO)
  • Update basic information in the organisation or contact records

It is the responsibility of the employer to keep their record and contact information up to date. We recommend that you do not put all communication under one business email in the event it changes, or the person leaves your employment.

Contact WGEA via email (support@wgea.gov.au) or support request to update any information you require.

Confirm details to start a submission

The first step of a submission is to confirm the details of the organisation or group of organisations being reported.
You will need to confirm for each organisation within the submission:

  • Legal name and ABN
  • CEO or equivalent
  • Primary industry

For the submission you will need to confirm:

  • Nominated report contact and CEO or equivalent
  • Company email (voluntary)
  • A declaration and privacy notice

Any changes to the information on this page should be made before confirming the details for the submission.

Can I update my submission data?

Please note that all submissions are given 28 days to make any edits or updates to their submission.

  • There can be no amendments once this date has passed.

How do I notify WGEA of a change to our organisation or group?

Changes to legal structures must be submitted to WGEA in writing to be actioned.

  • If a legal name has been changed
  • If an ABN no longer employs staff or is sold
  • If a new subsidiary that employs staff has joined your group
  • If your group has been wholly purchased
  • If you have merged with another employer

Lodge a support request through the Portal or send an email to support@wgea.gov.au

  • Include clear details of the type of change, reason, and the ABN(s) that the change(s) applies to

For eligibility information for standalone (single ABN) and corporate group employer please see the Eligibility section of this guide.

What is an ANZSIC Industry code?

The Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) system classifies entities based on their main business activity. The ANZSIC system is used to collect and analyse data across industries. Employers reporting to WGEA must confirm one primary industry per organisation being reported.