Reporting changes 2024-25

This page contains an overview of the changes to the Gender Equality Reporting program, due for submission by relevant employers in 2025.

You can find details on changes to:

  • the process of reporting data online,

  • what data is required and what is mandatory or voluntary, and

  • the documents you will receive throughout the submission

Changes to reporting process

There are limited changes to how employers start their submission via the Portal:

1. Confirmation of details – industry codes

Employers will only confirm one industry code per unique employing organisation, this confirmation ensures that all data received for a particular entity will be categorised and benchmarked (if applicable) with its confirmed industry code. Industry codes can be changed within the confirm details page and are updated instantly.

2. Confirmation of details – primary ABN

You will no longer be required to confirm a primary ABN if data for more than one employing entity is being prepared and lodged in the same submission.

3. Confirmation of details – company email

Providing an additional contact email in the initial confirmation before starting your submission is now voluntary.

Changes to data collection

Some changes have been made to data collection for 2025. 


Governing bodies

All voluntary questions in this section have been removed.

Action on pay equity

Question 2.2c –the list of actions taken as a result of a gender remuneration gap analysis has been condensed, with some items removed.

Employee Consultation

Question 2.6 – confirmation of prior year Notification and Access requirements has been updated to confirm employers are complying with each element of the requirement to share public report documents with employees, members and shareholders, and to make relevant disclosures to employee organisations.

Flexible working

Question 3.1a – The list of inclusions in a formal policy and/or strategy has been updated to include new options. 

Question 3.2 – The table of flexible working options for managers and non-managers will no longer collect whether the options were provided as either ‘formal’ or ‘informal’.

Paid parental leave

Question 4.1 – Provision of paid parental leave question has been updated in the Word document to better reflect how the question is asked within the Portal.

Question 4.1c – Additional details for how employer funded paid parental leave is paid can be provided in an ‘other’ free text response.

Question 4.1d – The number of weeks available for employer funded parental leave now collects the lowest and highest entitlement (in weeks) available for employer funded parental leave, accounting for employers with different schemes for different employee groups.

Question 4.1h – The question on an ‘Opt out’ approach to employer funded parental leave now contains additional guidance and a definition.

Support for carers

Question 4.5 – The table of support mechanisms for employees with family or caring responsibilities will no longer collect whether each support mechanisms is available at ‘some’ or ‘all’ worksites.

Family and domestic violence

All voluntary questions in this section have been removed.

Diversity and inclusion (voluntary section)

This voluntary section has been removed.

Workplace profile

Industry code

You will no longer be required to allocate the industry code confirmed for each organisation against the employee records entered on to the Profile. The ‘Industry’ column has been removed from the template.

Year of birth (age)

You will no longer be required to provide the year of birth for each employee.

Postcode (location)

Only physical locations controlled by the employer (i.e. not a remote workplace such as an employee’s home office) should be entered into this field, do not enter postcodes of any home offices for remote workers.

Workforce Management Statistics

Industry code

You will no longer be required to allocate an industry sub-division code before uploading a file for each employing entity being reported in the submission.

Promotions - new mandatory question

  • Employers will report the number of employees who have been promoted from a non-manager position to a manager position, by gender and by employment status.

Changes to documents

There are substantial changes to public report documents and the timing of the corporate group Executive Summary.

You will use only two documents for review and approval by your CEO/equivalent, and the Notification and Access requirements. The two documents will contain all public information being published by WGEA, except for gender pay gap information which is found in the Executive Summary reports.

1. Public Report document changes

Employers will now be provided with just two PDF reports to use for review and approval, as well as the Notification and Access requirements. 

  • Public Report - Questionnaire: This document displays your responses and answers to questions.
  • Public Report - Employee Data Tables: This document displays the data tables covering composition of your workforce and employee movements

For corporate groups, the employee data tables will display back data for each ABN reported.

2. Timing change for corporate groups

Executive Summary reports for corporate groups will be available immediately after all submissions covering the group have lodged, with no time delay.