WGEA parliamentary submissions

2024 submissions

Submission to the ASX Corporate Governance Council

May 2024

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is pleased to present a submission to the ASX Corporate Governance Council.

The ASX Corporate Governance Council has released a consultation draft of the fifth edition of its Principles and Recommendations. This edition considers raising the measurable objective for gender diversity on boards from a 30% target for women to a gender-balanced target (40% women, 40% men, 20% any gender).

2023 submissions

Submission to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee on the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023

WGEA's submission to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee on the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023 highlights the proposed changes to the Act, with a focus on publishing gender pay gaps.

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs on Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022

Submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs on Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022 (PDF, 252.17 KB)

January 2023

The Paid Parental Leave Amendment (Improvements for Families and Gender Equality) Bill 2022 amends the Paid Parental Leave Act to make the payment more accessible, more flexible and gender-neutral. The changes include extending parental leave pay from 18 weeks to 20 weeks, the removal of ‘primary’, ‘secondary’ and ‘tertiary’ claimants and the requirement that the primary claimants of parental leave pay must be the birth parent.

All the WGEA submissions sent into commission inquiries and reviews can be found below. 

2022 submissions

Submission to the Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act Review

Submission to the Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act Review (PDF, 245.85 KB)

February 2022

The Maternity Leave Act Review is focused on health and flexibility, and will explore streamlining administration requirements, paid maternity leave entitlements, the health and career needs of birth mothers, and superannuation entitlements whilst on parental leave. The WGEA have provided a submission outlining the current leading practice parental leave measures in the private sector.

Past submissions

Treasury Retirement Income Review 2020

Treasury Retirement Income Review (PDF, 436.79 KB)

February 2020

The retirement income review has identified four principles to assess the performance of Australia's retirement income system. The Workplace Gender Equality Agency have provided a submission under the principle of equity.

Senate Inquiry into Gender Segregation in the Workplace and its Impact on Women's Economic Equality 2017

Senate Inquiry into the Fairer Paid Parental Leave Bill 2017

Senate Inquiry into Fair Work Amendment (Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2015

Productivity Commission Inquiry into childcare and early childhood learning