WGEA Case Study TelstraSuper paid parental leave

How TelstraSuper's parental leave policy is helping improve gender equality

Not only does TelstraSuper offer 16 weeks paid parental leave, their part-time employees returning to work have also had a boost to their superannuation.

TelstraSuper's gender pay gap is tracking well below the finance industry mid-point of 22.2%.

The employer's average total remuneration gender pay gap is 16.2% and its median total remuneration gender pay gap is 9.6%.

It's had a strong and successful focus on parental leave, including improving the take-up by men.

In fact, 57% of TelstraSuper's primary carer parental leave was taken by men in 2023-24. 

Helping men gain greater access to benefits like parental leave helps to improve gender equality for everyone, by fostering a more equal division of unpaid care and improving family work-life balance.  

If you've got a good news story which you think would make a great WGEA case study, get in touch by email at wgea-agencycomms@wgea.gov.au or send us a message on our LinkedIn page.

TelstraSuper parental leave


For David Kelertas, the decision to take five months off through TelstraSuper's Parental Leave Scheme, was simple.

"It was a no-brainer to take that time off and spend it with my son," says the TelstraSuper Manager DevOps & Support.

TelstraSuper's Parental Leave Scheme provides four months of paid leave for new parents, with super paid on both paid and unpaid parental leave.

David took a fifth, unpaid month off, to help enable the family to care for Alex full time for his first year of life, combining with the 7 months his partner took off work to be with their son in his first months.

"I think everyone should do it, especially if they've got the opportunity," he says.

"You'll never regret it, and you'll never get that time back."

TelstraSuper's scheme also pays parents who return to work part-time with full-time Super Guarantee contributions for two  years, regardless of their hours worked.

Take Action

There are some key actions you can take to help improve gender equality in your workplace.

Book into a free masterclass to learn how to take effective action to narrow your organisation's gender pay gap.

Add your employer data into the Action Planning Tool to find areas where you can improve gender equality in your workplace.

Learn how to conduct a gender pay gap analysis of your workplace to find any areas of imbalance.