WGEA's Masterclasses

WGEA's masterclasses and learning events help employers to build on their understanding of workplace gender equality and take effective action to narrow their gender pay gap.

Session are facilitated via Microsoft Teams and are 90 minutes. Sessions are interactive in nature, including opportunities to ask questions and work in small groups to get hands-on experience with the topics and concepts.

This page contains up-to-date details of the sessions currently available. We encourage you to return here to stay up-to-date on new offerings and sessions.

For any questions on our capacity building events, please contact capacitybuilding@wgea.gov.au

These courses are designed for relevant employers required to report to WGEA under the Workplace Gender Equality Act. The definition of a relevant employer is available here.

How to book into one of WGEA's masterclasses

Click on 'Upcoming sessions' under the event of interest below to see the available dates.

Click the session date that you would like to attend and you will be taken to a registration page for that particular session, where you can enter your basic details and reserve a spot.

WGEA's current masterclasses

Gender Pay Gap Analysis

Conducting a gender pay gap analysis – obtaining key insights from data

What to expect

Learn how to analyse workforce data and understand the experiences and outcomes in a workplace that may be contributing to the gender pay gap.

This session will support you to apply the concepts to your own data and focus on effective gender equality action planning.

Session duration: 90 minutes

Upcoming sessions

All times shown are Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).

Gender Equality Action Planning

From knowing better to doing better

What to expect

Learn to choose, prioritise and plan gender equality actions uniquely targeted to your organisation to effectively narrow your gender pay gap and increase gender equality in your organisation.

Session duration: 90 minutes

Upcoming sessions

All times shown are Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).

Expanding Diversity Through Part-Time

Effectively enable gender equitable part-time opportunities in your organisation and contribute to narrowing its gender pay gap.

What to expect

Learn how to effectively implement and embrace part-time work arrangements, how job design can enable productive, career developing part-time work arrangements and how job share can be the structure that makes part-time leadership roles possible.

Session duration: 90 minutes

Upcoming sessions

All times shown are Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).

Capacity Building Advisory Service

For further guidance on addressing gender equality in your workplace, you can access 1:1 support from our gender equality experts through a Direct Advisory session. 

These are free, 30-minute consultations which will consider your organisation's specific context. We can support you in identifying drivers of your gender pay gap and gendered experiences and working toward addressing them. 

Click here to register for a session by advising us of your availability and topic(s) you would like to discuss.

Session availability is primarily on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Please note that these sessions are not for addressing reporting questions; any such questions should be submitted through Contact WGEA.


WGEA Privacy Notice

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (the Agency) provides these masterclasses as part of its functions under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, which includes to advise and assist employers in promoting and improving gender equality in the workplace. The Agency will collect your name and email address to manage the masterclass registration, including providing you access to sessions via email and collecting aggregated details of the total number of registrations. Providing your personal information is voluntary. You may also be contacted via email to assist with evaluation of the masterclasses and/or advisory service; your registration is taken as consent to receive this request, although participation is completely voluntary.

The Agency will not use or disclose the information collected from you, other than for the purpose described above, unless you have provided consent for us to do this, or we are authorised or required to do so by law.  

The Agency will never use any AI software in masterclasses for any recording, transcription or other purposes. We also do not accept its usage by any attendees as this jeopardises the privacy of fellow participants in the session. Any attendee using such software will be asked to cease doing so or leave the session.

The Agency’s Privacy Policy explains how the Agency handles and protects the information provided by you. Our Privacy Policy also explains how you can request access to, or correct the personal information we hold about you, and who to contact if you have a privacy enquiry or complaint.   

If you have a privacy query, contact the Privacy Officer at wgea-privacy@wgea.gov.au    

For any other questions or concerns, contact capacitybuilding@wgea.gov.au 


More information

Tools, resources and guides to help employers take action to improve workplace gender equality. 

Compare employers, industries and sub-industries across the six gender equality indicators

What is the gender pay gap? How is it calculated? What are the six gender equality indicators?