WGEA is offering a series of new drop-in sessions to help support employers as they prepare their Employer Statement.
The six sessions are each one-hour, and will be held between 12pm and 1pm AEDT on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the weeks leading up to the February 24 deadline to upload the Employer Statement.
They are capped at 10 participants each.
They will be hosted by WGEA's Capacity Building Executive Manager Dr Samone McCurdy, who can respond to questions and provide advice in a group discussion.
The discussion will be focused solely on the Employer Statement, and is not for reporting-related questions.
Further information about the Employer Statement, including a helpful downloadable guide, can be found here.
Book now to secure your spot
Tuesday February 11, 12pm-1pm AEDT: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a2751fe0-3659-42b1-ae28-01ff72c93318@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Thursday February 13, 12pm-1pm AEDT: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/61394bdd-6178-47d7-832d-43933b07f236@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Tuesday February 18, 12pm-1pm AEDT: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/948ba231-b341-4fe7-b369-895d0a8b1093@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Thursday February 20, 12pm-1pm AEDT: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/aa014994-7fcd-43fe-972f-b4e189bb72c4@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Tuesday February 25, 12pm-1pm AEDT: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/85fd5e3e-2bd1-40c4-bcf0-28b55d311844@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Thursday February 27, 12pm-1pm: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/cf5007df-80f1-420f-87cb-627bdf7287d2@dd0cfd15-4558-4b12-8bad-ea26984fc417
Attendees will be asked to turn their cameras on. Sessions will not be recorded.