Employer gender pay gaps information hub

WGEA published the gender pay gaps for private sector employers with 100 or more employees for the first time on February 27 2024. 

The information on this page covers everything you need to know about employer gender pay gaps including where you can see them, how they are calculated and the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Employers can also find links to resources and tools that can help them to take effective action to reduce the gender pay gap in their organisation. 

People looking at the WGEA website

Have a question about employer gender pay gaps? This is the first place to look for the answer. 

Phone and social media likes

Help WGEA spread the word about the publication of employer gender pay gaps with our social media toolkit. 

Person viewing data

WGEA will expand the publication of employer gender pay gaps in 2025 to include new information. Find out the details in our fact sheet. 

View the employer gender pay gaps

WGEA Data Explorer

View nearly 5000 private sector employer gender pay gaps alongside information about the policies and actions employers are taking to improve workplace gender equality.  

Data people

Find out how your employer compares by industry, state and size. WGEA would like to acknowledge the contributions of RMIT Phd candidate Rida Abbasi in the creation of this interactive webpage.

Employer Gender Pay Gaps Snapshot download

WGEA’s latest analysis compares employer gender pay gaps by industry, industry-type, business size and the role of women in leadership.

Help for employers

Images from the WGEA communications 10 point guide

A comprehensive guide for communications teams and company representatives responsible for talking to key audiences about an organisation's approach to gender equality. 

People work walking

Employers have the opportunity to provide an Employer Statement that gives context to their gender pay gap results when WGEA publishes employer gender pay gaps on 27 February 2024.

People looking at a laptop computer

The WGEA Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide helps employers to plan and execute a pay and composition analysis in order to identify the drivers of their gender pay gap.


Do you think your employer gender pay gap isn't right? Follow these 6 steps to check your information. 

Man at desk with coin pile and woman at desk with coin pile

Register for a WGEA Masterclass to learn how to do a gender pay gap analysis and take action on the results. 

Employer gender pay gap publication UK review Download now

This research paper looks at what happened after the UK published gender pay gaps in 2017. Employers can use it as a guide for what they may be able to expect when Australia does the same.  

Education resources

Confused by the gender pay gap? And why it's different to equal pay? This website page explains what the gender pay gap is and what causes it. 

You may see different figures for the gender pay gap. The calculation doesn’t change. What changes is how people define ‘pay’ or ‘remuneration’. 

WGEA's Data Explorer allows users to compare employer policies and strategies to improve the gender pay gap. It's also where WGEA will publish employer gender pay gaps on 27 February.