Report reveals EOCGE citation driving change

Report reveals EOCGE citation driving change

Report reveals EOCGE citation driving change

Thanks to a new report produced by the University of Queensland, we now have definitive proof of something our Agency has long suspected: that the Employer of Choice Gender Equality citation (EOCGE, the citation) is driving improved gender equality outcomes in Australian workplaces.

The report, commissioned by the WGEA and written by Dr Terry Fitzsimmons and a team of researchers from the AIBE Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace, has found that EOCGE citation holders are improving on key gender equality metrics at a faster rate than other employers in the Agency’s dataset.

EOCGE organisations have a faster reduction in their gender pay gap compared to other organisations, as well as a greater proportion of women in all levels of management and a higher representation of women on their boards.

The report has also found that citation holders have a stronger pipeline of women moving into senior management roles.

It is our hope that this report will inspire employers who are not yet citation holders to put an action plan in place and tackle their own workplace gender equality issues head on.

Through targeted action, any organisation can achieve sustainable workplace gender equality outcomes and become a leader in workplace gender equality. If your organisation is looking to improve gender equality, the citation’s criteria provides a great roadmap for change.

The Agency regularly reviews and updates the criteria for the EOCGE citation to ensure it remains effective and relevant.

The most recent update raised the bar for applicants, requiring them to meet significantly strengthened criteria under seven key gender equality areas.

You can find the full list of 2020 EOCGE citation holders here.

Download the report below.