FAQ: Commonwealth public sector employer gender pay gaps publication

WGEA will publish Commonwealth public sector employer gender pay gaps for the first time on 4 April 2025. 

The release will occur simultaneously with WGEA's release of 2023 public sector gender equality data. 

The Agency will publish the gender pay gaps on the Data Explorer and in the Commonwealth Public Sector Scorecard

Watch the video above to find out how you can best prepare for this important data release. 

What will WGEA publish?

The April release of 2023 Commonwealth Public Sector employer gender pay gaps will mirror the details released for private sector in 2024. This is because employers were not required to report CEO remuneration in 2023.

This first Commonwealth public sector employer gender pay gap release will include:

  • median total remuneration employer gender pay gaps
  • median base salary employer gender pay gaps
  • gender composition by pay quartile
  • links to voluntary Employer Statements which provide context for their results and explain the actions employers plan to take to address the gender pay gap.

For corporate groups, WGEA will publish this information for the group as well as each relevant employer within the group.

Employer Statements: An opportunity to explain

Employers can provide a voluntary Employer Statement that gives context to their gender pay gap results, communicates the key drivers and explains how they plan to take action.

The links to these Statements will appear alongside the employer gender pay gap and employers are encouraged to provide their link to WGEA prior to publication. However, links can be provided or updated at any time.

Reading these Statements will allow you to understand an employer’s commitment to improving their gender pay gap in future.

Read our Employer Statement Guide for details on the Employer Statement and how to use it to drive action. 

Key data points for benchmarking

In addition to results for each employer, WGEA will also provide key benchmarking data for the sector as a whole. 

Target range

WGEA considers gender pay gaps within and including –5% and +5% as the target range. This range, also known as ‘neutral’, allows for normal fluctuations in the workforce with recruitment, promotions and resignations.


While a gender pay gap in the target range is the most desirable result, employers can also seek to ensure their gender pay gap is in the lowest 50% of all employers in any given cohort. The mid-point of employer gender pay gaps is the point from which 50% of employer gender pay gaps are larger, and 50% are smaller.

In favour of men or in favour of women

Employers with a negative gender pay gap pay the median or average woman more than the median or average man. When they are less than –5%, they are described as in favour of women.

Employers with a positive gender pay gap pay the median or average man more than the median or average woman. When they are greater than +5%, they are described as in favour of men.

Base salary and total remuneration gender pay gaps

The total remuneration gender pay gap includes base salary, superannuation, overtime, bonuses and other additional discretionary payments. When employers have a large difference between the base salary and total remuneration gender pay gap, it indicates that one gender is obtaining greater financial benefit from these payments. 

Key actions to reduce your gap

A gender pay gap analysis will help you to uncover the drivers of your gender pay gap. Read our guide for more information. 

WGEA's masterclasses and learning events help employers build their understanding of workplace gender equality and effective actions that can narrow the gap. Book your class today. 

Know where the differences are, but need help finding effective actions to address them? WGEA's Action Planning Playbook can help you to create an evidence-informed action plan.