How IKEA is working to improve gender equality
Swedish furniture company IKEA has recorded both an average and median gender pay gap within the target range, in the latest round of data.
It's average total remuneration gender pay gap is 3.5%.
The company has reduced its gender pay gap through a range of policies and actions including its paid parental leave policy, which includes superannuation for both paid and unpaid parental leave, and a focus on inclusive hiring and unconscious bias in its recruitment.
Globally, IKEA is committed to achieving a 50/50 gender balance in all levels and positions.
Currently women make up 54% of IKEA's total workforce, and 50.2% of all manager roles across the business are women, led by CEO and Chief Sustainability Officer Mirja Viinanen. In Australia, just one in 4 CEOs are women.
If you've got a good news story which you think would make a great WGEA case study, get in touch by email at or send us a message on our LinkedIn page.
IKEA: Succession planning
Fatimah Alhuseini started working at IKEA in Sydney five years ago during COVID.
The company's policies have given her support and confidence to rise through the ranks to her current role as Service Fulfilment Operations Developer.
Watch her explain her journey and how IKEA's focus on gender equality has made a difference to her outlook and career.
Hear more about IKEA's continued focus on gender equality, and how its taking steps to achieve 50/50 gender balance across the global business.
Video shorts
Take Action
There are some key actions you can take to help improve gender equality in your workplace.
Book into a free masterclass to learn how to take effective action to narrow your organisation's gender pay gap.
Add your employer data into the Action Planning Tool to find areas where you can improve gender equality in your workplace.
Learn how to conduct a gender pay gap analysis of your workplace to find any areas of imbalance.