4 ways employers can take action to close the gender pay gap

Many employers may feel the enormity of closing the gender pay gap is a challenging feat to overcome.

But taking the first steps toward progress is simpler than it may look.

The benefits of improving workplace gender equality include:

  • increased talent retention
  • improved recruitment
  • stronger brand reputation
  • increased productivity and profitability.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is committed to supporting employers to diagnose and address their gender equality challenges.

Here are 4 ways employers can start to take action on their gender pay gap:

  1. conduct a gender pay gap analysis: 55% of private sector employers and 64% of Commonwealth public sector employers have analysed their payroll to find the drivers behind their gender pay gap. This analysis is a critical first step in understanding your gender pay gap. The WGEA Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide demystifies this process, helping employers plan and execute a pay a composition analysis, and ascertain the systemic barriers, context and drivers of inequality that may exist
  2. download WGEA’s Gender Equality Indicator (GEI) policy and strategy guides: under Australian legislation, employers with 500 or more employees must have policies and/or strategies that address each of the 6 GEIs. WGEA’s GEI Policy and Strategy Guides define key terms and suggest action employers should include in the policies and strategies. Employers can incorporate these suggestions into their broader gender equality strategy or specific GEI policies and strategies.
  3. create an action plan: the Action Planning Tool helps employers identify actions to improve gender equality in their workplace. The tool provides reasoning for each item on the list, which allows employers to make an informed, data-driven choices about the actions they can take to improve gender equality outcomes.
  4. consider a capacity building masterclass:  WGEA’s Capacity Building Masterclasses designed to help employers deepen their understanding of workplace gender equality and take effective action to narrow their gender pay gap. One-on-one coaching is also available for employers.

WGEA is committed to working with employers at a workplace level and industry-wide to help close the gap.

Read more about how to take action.

This Australian-first report reveals key findings about composition, pay and actions taken by employers to address gender inequality.

View WGEA's Data Explorer to compare employer gender equality performance results.

Designed in partnership with the BETA, the Action Planning Tool helps reporting employers identify actions they can take to improve gender equality in their workplace