
2023-24 Workforce Management Statistics - Partnerships

This template is for use only by partnership employers with equity and/or non-equity partners.

2023-24 Workplace Profile - Unit level

Standard workplace profile template, only two remuneration fields per employee to provide: base salary and total remuneration (calculated as if the employee worked a full year for full-time hours).

2023-24 Workplace Profile - STP/calculated

Workplace profile template which calculates actual earnings of each employee to their full year and full-time equivalent earnings for base salary and total remuneration. Requires additional data entry to perform the calculation.

Employers named as non-compliant under the Workplace Gender Equality Act for 2022-23 Gender Equality Reporting

2023-24 Reporting Questionnaire

You can use the Word version of the reporting questionnaire to prepare your responses. Refer to your prepared responses when completing the questionnaire within the Portal.

EL1 Publications and Digital Manager Job Application Package

WGEA Supplementary Determination January 2024

WGEA Policy - Procedures for determining breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and for determining sanction - March 2024

Target Setting for Gender Equality: A Review of the Literature by Dr Leonora Risse

Employers named as non-compliant under the Workplace Gender Equality Act for 2022-23 Gender Equality Reporting April 2024